500 micron Garnet and a 6mm Zirconium Grinding Satellite, Pre-Filled Tubes (100 count)

500 micron Garnet and a 6mm Zirconium Grinding Satellite, Pre-Filled Tubes
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Mixed Matrix Garnet/Satellite Disruption Tubes offer chemically inert, acid-washed, mixed grinding media to disrupt a range of organisms and particles present within a sample.  They are comparable to Lysing Matrix A.

Mixed Matrix Garnet/Satellite Disruption Tubes have diverse applications, especially in plant pathology. The table below illustrates their effectiveness in extracting genomic DNA from plant pathogenic fungi across various hosts. Additionally, the Mixed Matrix Garnet/Satellite Disruption Tubes are valuable for DNA extraction from fungal endophytes, arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi, and bacterial communities in coffee, boxwood, and wild Rubiaceae tropical plants. They are also effective in extracting DNA from soil and root tissues in potting media and roots of bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) pot cultures.

Applications of this product in the study of symbiotic fungi within plant-animal interactions, such as DNA extraction from fig fruits (Ficus colubrinae) and fecal samples of the Honduran white bat (Ectophylla alba), are well documented. Another unique use of Mixed Matrix Garnet/Satellite Disruption Tubes is for RNA extraction from solid dairy samples, including hard cheese, cream cheese, butter, and liquefying cheese, across a variety of forms (raw, pasteurized, hard, and soft).

Fungal Pathogen



Bipolaris, Exserohilum


Leaf spot and blight

Peronospora kuewa so. nov

Plantago princeps

Downy mildew

Rust fungi (Puccinia, Uromyces)



Paraphomopsis obscurans


Leaf blight

Phytophthora, Pythium, and Phytopythium species


Blight and root rot

Colletotrichum liriopes

Lilyturfs (Liriope spp )




Leaf spot, blight, canker

Pre-Filled Tubes are a convenient solution for labs seeking time savings by no longer requiring researchers to weigh, fill and QC individual tubes.   They are available in 2 ml skirted (i.e., self-standing) or unskirted (i.e., conical bottom) polypropylene tubes to ensure compatibility with most tube homogenizers. Clear screw caps with O-rings included.


Castillo-González, H. (2022). Investigating the Hyperdiversity of Fungal Endophytes in Wild Rubiaceae Tropical Plants and Coffee Plantations  University of Maryland, College Park ProQuest Dissertations & Theses. 29392320 (Fungal endophyte communities in wild Rubiaceae tropical plants and coffee plantations are highly diverse, with distinct community compositions influenced by ecological factors)

Chaverri, P., & Chaverri, G. (2022b). Fungal communities in feces of the frugivorous bat Ectophylla alba and its highly specialized Ficus colubrinae diet. Animal Microbiome, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s42523-022-00169-w (Fungal communities in the feces of the frugivorous bat Ectophylla alba differ significantly from those in its specialized diet of Ficus colubrinae)

Chaverri, P., Romberg, M. K., Montero-Vargas, M., McKemy, J. M., Rane, K. K., Balbalian, C. J., & Castlebury, L. A. (2023). Phylogeographic and Phylogenomic Structure of the Quarantine Plant Pathogen Colletotrichum liriopes, Including New Reports in the United States. Plant Disease, 107(9), 2816–2824. https://doi.org/10.1094/pdis-10-22-2324-re (Colletotrichum liriopes has spread to the United States, now affecting a wider range of hosts and regions than previously known)

Chaverri, P.; Chaverri, G. A Missing Link in Mutualistic Networks: Symbiotic Fungi in Plant-Animal Interactions. bioRxiv 2019, 761270. https://doi.org/10.1101/761270. (Frugivores not only help in spreading plant seeds but also aid in dispersing beneficial microbes and reducing harmful plant pathogens)

Davis, W. J., Ko, M., Ocenar, J. R., Romberg, M. K., Thines, M., & Crouch, J. A. (2021). Peronospora kuewa, sp. nov., a new downy mildew species infecting the endangered Hawaiian plant Plantago princeps var. princeps. Mycologia, 113(3), 643–652. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2021.1872869 (Peronospora kuew. sp. nov. poses a threat to the conservation efforts of Hawaiian plant Plantago princeps var. princeps)

Demers, J. E.; Liu, M.; Hambleton, S.; Castlebury, L. A. Rust Fungi on Panicum. Mycologia 2017, 109 (1), 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/00275514.2016.1262656.(Five rust fungi species infecting switchgrass were useful for resistance breeding)

Heller, W. P., & Carrara, J. E. (2022). Multiplex qPCR assays to distinguish individual species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi from roots and soil. Mycorrhiza, 32(2), 155–164. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00572-022-01069-2 (Multiplex real-time PCR assays were developed that target the glomalin genes of 11 arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi species typically found in temperate agricultural soils)

Li, X., Omolehin, O., Hemmings, G., Tseng, H. T., Taylor, A., Taylor, C., Kong, P., Daughtrey, M., Luster, D., Gouker, F., & Hong, C. (2023). Boxwood phyllosphere fungal and bacterial communities and their differential responses to film-forming anti-desiccants. BMC Microbiology, 23(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12866-023-02956-0 (Film-forming anti-desiccants differently influence the composition and structure of bacterial and fungal communities on boxwood leaves)

Li, X., Tseng, H. T., Hemmings, G., Omolehin, O., Taylor, C., Taylor, A., Kong, P., Daughtrey, M., Gouker, F., & Hong, C. (2023). Characterization of Boxwood Shoot Bacterial Communities and Potential Impact from Fungicide Treatments. Microbiology Spectrum, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.04163-22 (Fungicide treatments significantly impact the structure and composition of epiphytic bacterial communities on boxwood shoots)

Manamgoda, D., Rossman, A., Castlebury, L., Crous, P., Madrid, H., Chukeatirote, E., & Hyde, K. (2014). The genus Bipolaris. Studies in Mycology, 79(1), 221–288. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.simyco.2014.10.002 (The species boundaries within the genus Bipolaris through molecular phylogenetic analysis were redefined, providing clearer insights into taxonomy, host associations, and geographic distributions)

Redekar, N. R., Bourret, T. B., Eberhart, J. L., Johnson, G. E., Pitton, B. J., Haver, D. L., Oki, L. R., & Parke, J. L. (2020). The population of oomycetes in a recycled irrigation water system at a horticultural nursery in southern California. Water Research, 183, 116050. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2020.116050 (Recycled irrigation water systems at a horticultural nursery in southern California harbor diverse populations of oomycetes, which can potentially spread plant pathogens)

Suarez, D.L., Goraichuk, I.V>, Killmaster, L., Spackman, E., Clausen, N.J., Colonius,, T.J., Leonard, C.L., and Metz, M.L. 2024. Testing of retail cheese, butter, ice cream and other dairy products for highly pathogenic avian influenza in the US medRxiv https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.08.11.24311811(Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) viral RNA was detected in some retail dairy products, while no live virus was found, indicating that current pasteurization methods effectively inactivate the virus)

Udayanga, D., Castlebury, L. A., Rossman, A. Y., & Hyde, K. D. (2014). Species limits in Diaporthe: molecular re-assessment of D. citri, D. cytosporella, D. foeniculina and D. rudis. Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi, 32(1), 83–101. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158514x679984 (Molecular phylogenetic analysis to redefine the species boundaries of Diaporthe citri, D. cytosporella, D. foeniculina, and D. rudis, providing clearer taxonomy and host associations)

Udayanga, D., Miriyagalla, S. D., Manamgoda, D. S., Lewers, K. S., Gardiennet, A., & Castlebury, L. A. (2021). Molecular reassessment of diaporthalean fungi associated with strawberry, including the leaf blight fungus, Paraphomopsis obscurans gen. et comb. nov. (Melanconiellaceae). IMA Fungus, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43008-021-00069-9 (The leaf blight fungus previously identified as Phomopsis obscurans is now classified under a new genus, Paraphomopsis, within the Melanconiellaceae family)

Udayanga, D.; Castlebury, L. A.; Rossman, A. Y.; Hyde, K. D. Species Limits in Diaporthe: Molecular Re-Assessment of D. Citri, D. Cytosporella, D. Foeniculina and D. Rudis. Persoonia 2014, 32, 83–101. https://doi.org/10.3767/003158514X679984.(The study redefined species boundaries within the Diaporthe genus, using molecular phylogenetic analysis)

Zibani, A., Ali, S., & Benslimane, H. (2021). Corn diseases in Algeria: first report of three Bipolaris and two Exserohilum species causing leaf spot and leaf blight diseases. Cereal Research Communications, 50(3), 449–461. https://doi.org/10.1007/s42976-021-00192- (The study reports the first identification of three Bipolaris and two Exserohilum species causing leaf spot and leaf blight diseases in corn in Algeria)

500 micron Garnet and 6mm Zirconium Grinding Satellite in a disruption tube

