> Freeze Drying

Freeze drying (lyophilization) is an established method for long-term storage, of biomolecules. The general process is used to preserve bacteria, fungi, yeasts, proteins, nucleic acids, and any other molecules which may degrade in the presence of water.

The approaches vary widely, but they all follow the standard process of:Lyophilization Vials

  1. Freezing the sample
  2. Applying of a high vacuum (<200 mTorrs)
  3. Warming of the sample under vacuum, to drive water sublimation
  4. Drying the sample further by warming to almost ambient temperature and driving off residual water
  5. Sealing of sample to prevent future water uptake

Four significant considerations for freeze drying:

  • First consideration, culturing and preparing the samples.
  • Second consideration, suspending the sample in the correct freeze drying medium with a lyoprotectant and excipients.
  • Third consideration, choosing the optimal vials for the sample as well as the machine.
  • Fourth considerations, storing vials in refrigeration.

For a more in depth information please visit our, Bacterial Lyophilization Overview and Bacterial Freeze Drying Protocol page.

EXTR 500-05

Excipients serve a dual purpose, to both provide bulk to a lyophilized sample and to stabilize biomolecules, particularly proteins. 

LVBA 05-500-10
Freeze Drying Accessories
Freeze Drying Accessories

Serum Vials, Bungs, and Aluminum Tear off seals.

LR2X 500-02
Lyo Reagents
Lyo Reagents

To aid lyophilization, OPS Diagnostics has developed three proprietary formulations for freeze drying.


