Zirconium Oxide Grinding Balls, 5/32"
An alternative to stainless steel grinding balls that can react with phenol and other acids, our 5/32" Zirconium Oxide satellites are chemically stable and will not corrode when exposed to solvents. Slightly irregular in shape, they are useful for processing harder to grind samples. They may be used with deep well plates and individual 2 ml microfuge tubes to bead beat samples.
All of our grinding balls and satellites are ready-to-use and have been treated to remove residual oils and contaminants prior to packaging.
Butler, M. W.; Bociulis, S. C.; Little, A. R.; Minnick, J. A.; Ritter, N. J.; Rockman, M. E.; Rossi, M. L.; Hines, J. K. Quantifying Biliverdin in Liver and Spleen Samples from Multiple Avian SpeciesCuantificación de La Biliverdina En Muestras Del Hígado y Del Bazo de Varias Especies de AvesBiliverdin Quantification in Avian Tissues. Auk 2017, 134 (1), 11–21. https://doi.org/10.1642/AUK-16-73.1.